Friday, July 19, 2019

music to my ears

When was the last time you discovered a new music artist or song? If you're like me I'm sure you're usually listening to the radio or XM and rarely hear anything new that hasn't already been overplayed. Recently I took a little road trip with my sister and it was one of those car rides we love - singing from start to finish. And when I say start to finish I really, really mean it. And, it's the kind of singing that literally cleanses the soul. You know that kind? The kind of singing you do driving down your favorite road on a beautiful day with windows down. A real jammer, know every word, snappin' hard kind of soul cleansing singing. Well, I'm hear to pass along the tribal knowledge of my top 5 current faves that I believe are relatively unknown to the greater population. What are your current unknown faves?

So, get in your car, find your favorite road, turn it up and sing!

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