Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top 5 - 2015 Edition

As we close in on 2015 and start gearing up to celebrate New Year's it's hard not to miss every "round up." Top shows, top worst celebrity break ups, top Google searches, etc, etc, etc. Well, here's my small [but meaningful] round up right here on Between the Oaks [#BTO]. Enjoy this installment of my favorite Top 5 posts from 2015 [also known as the only year this blog has been up and running].

This years most meaningful post - the first. It took a lot to start this blog after talking about it for a long time. And, truth be told the only reason this blog came to fruition is because the blog name came to me in a dream.

two | Home
Mr. B and I had already decided and began planning our wedding back in my hometown. Looking back now, it was the best decision to bring my family back to a place that means so much. 

three | Friends & Family 
This post is really about celebrating the bond between family. Nothing is more important than family especially when they're your best friends. What I've learned since this post is that distance won't ever change that. 

The highlight of my entire year was marrying my best friend. I never want to forget the emotion I had and the small details that made this day so perfect. 

2015 - also known as the year I became a Mrs and turned 30! But before I could do that I took a look back at all the things I would tell my younger self. 

Do you have a running list of 2015 highlights? I can only imagine what 2016 has in store for all of us!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry, Merry!

We're back from our Christmas travels and trying to come down off our carb high! We've had a great couple of weeks. We baked cookies, visited lots of family, gone on lots of date nights, ice skated, bought our first real Christmas tree, and ate lots and lots of yummy food! We've been blessed this holiday season with amazing memories!

A late Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our little family to yours!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday Fun!

Happy Friday, ya'll! I hope everyone has finally come out of their turkey coma. I'm here again with some Friday Fun! 

I'm linking up with oh hey Friday and Five on Friday today!

one | Christmas Cookies
Every year my mother, sister and I do a huge cookie bake. We usually stick to the family favorites, but once in awhile we need something new and fun. This year will be different since we're geographically spread all over the place, but I came across these delicious sounding cookies and had to share!

Mocha Coconut Crinkles

Peppermint Pattie Cookies

two | Instagram Love
As I mentioned, on our way back from Buffalo I spent most of my time listening to Fantasy Football XM Radio which really means I spent all day on Instagram. If you're looking for new inspiration on your Instagram feed, I came across two great accounts to follow: Hugs and Punches and Intentionally Designed . Run on over and take a look! Be sure to check out Hugs and Punches adoption story, it's truly amazing!

three | Minted
Christmas cards have been ordered! As much as I hate not going old school with a real deal card and handwritten note, I couldn't pass up the chance to use our wedding photos for our first Christmas card. Yes, I know it's completely cliche, but I can't resist Minted and all it's shimmery, glittery fun!

four | So What If...
  • We haven't decorated for Christmas yet... 4 days in which means I'll be keeping our tree and lights out 4 days into 2016
  • The green bean casserole, which is the holy grail of Thanksgiving, was pretty much ice cold. I mean legit cold.
  • Am I the only one that walks around without the little rubber piece on the bottom of their heels?! You can hear me coming from a mile away. I'll find a shoe cobbler one day. And if you find that rubber piece, give it back :)

five | Follow Me!
Have you enjoyed reading Between the Oaks? Are you following me? Keep up with new posts by following me on Bloglovin' or get new posts straight to your inbox. Don't miss out!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


We're back from our travels to Buffalo, NY for Thanksgiving! It was an amazing trip especially since being in person with your family trumps FaceTime any day. I do have to give myself the wife award for enduring 12 hours of Fantasy Football XM radio on the way home. That was tough...

I feel like we sped through the Thanksgiving holiday and now we're on to Christmas. Where is the time going?? Looking back, Mr. B and I spent the month of November saying what we were thankful for every day. It felt good to sit and reflect once a day. It's always interesting though when you start thinking about what you're thankful for. It usually consists of things from the present. How often though do we really reflect on things that got us to where we are today? Shouldn't we also be thankful for the intangible growth we've all had as well? The kind of growth that just seeps into your life that you don't even realize you've been working on. Before I dive straight into Christmas and the Kenny G Holiday Pandora station, I'd like to take one last second to reflect on that specific thing.

It's so easy to continue looking forward and only see the beauty ahead in life. I agree with that, don't get me wrong. But, I also firmly believe in looking back on what was [messy], where it sorted itself out, how you changed, and where you came out on the other end. Don't you think if we all spent some time traveling backwards our "thankful's" would be so much more profound? I know for myself it puts clarity and perspective on today, and how I want to grow tomorrow. 

I'd like to challenge you [all 3 readers...] - let's extend our practice of being thankful past November. I want to spend this time before Christmas in true reflection of the past, and in true appreciation and gratefulness for all that was and how that's shaped all that is ahead.