Friday, July 19, 2019

music to my ears

When was the last time you discovered a new music artist or song? If you're like me I'm sure you're usually listening to the radio or XM and rarely hear anything new that hasn't already been overplayed. Recently I took a little road trip with my sister and it was one of those car rides we love - singing from start to finish. And when I say start to finish I really, really mean it. And, it's the kind of singing that literally cleanses the soul. You know that kind? The kind of singing you do driving down your favorite road on a beautiful day with windows down. A real jammer, know every word, snappin' hard kind of soul cleansing singing. Well, I'm hear to pass along the tribal knowledge of my top 5 current faves that I believe are relatively unknown to the greater population. What are your current unknown faves?

So, get in your car, find your favorite road, turn it up and sing!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Foodie Friday!

Happy Friday friends! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week and is gearing up for the weekend with some fun plans! I'm here today with a roundup of my favorite recent recipes and one's that are on my must make list. What's been your favorite go to recipe lately?

By far my favorite current recipe. So easy! So good! Very much a weeknight meal! Wins all around. I've served it along side rice pilaf and homemade parmesan cauliflower rice.

If you love the lemon potatoes you get from your local Greek restaurant - look no further! These are amazing! The first time I made them I was concerned about the amount of liquid in the dish, but just follow the recipe. It does take 1.5 hour to get the perfect potato, but don't let that deter you!

This is a different flavor profile for our home, but it was really, really good! Delicious leftovers. I would say spicy is an overstatement. The first time I made this I let it marinate twice as long as the second time and I think that might have made all the difference.

If you're like me you probably grew up on some sort of a cucumber and onion salad. We ate so much of it growing up and over the years it slowly lost its punch. So, I've been on the lookout for new versions and this might be it. This is definitely on my must make list!

If you've been here awhile you know Mr. B is a meat grilling lover, but let. me. tell. you. I made these black bean burgers and they were so good and Mr. B approved! I've been trying to incorporate 1-2 vegetarian dishes into our weekly meal plan and this seriously did not disappoint. So good and satisfying!

I'm always looking for quick and easy things we can grab in the morning and this might fit the bill. This has been on my must make list for a while. Might have to try them this weekend!

What's been on your must make list? Cheers to happy cooking!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


I think this post may not be of popular opinion, but can we talk about "self-care?" This trend of everything being labeled as self-care has really been on my mind and frankly I'm not sure I even have a full, well rounded thought about it.  If you look on Instagram the hashtag self-care has been tagged 17.1M times! 17.1! Million! And if you take a few minutes to scroll through it consists of quotes, bubble baths, snacks, selfies, products and lots of BS. This notion of self-care is for the consumer, for the mother who needs a label for taking an hour to get a haircut or needs a reason to be eating a cookie or drinking a glass of wine or reading or exercising, etc, etc. As Carrie Bradshaw puts it: maybe some labels are best left in the closest... maybe when we label people we forget to look past the label to the person. Now, clearly that is not a super direct comparison, but the point is labeling. Labeling everything as self-care versus living? Versus wanting? I wanted this so I did it. I needed this so I treated myself. I'm not saying let's not take time for ourselves to recharge and rejuvenate. And, of course we need to nourish our souls before we can do that for others. But, must we label it as self-care? All we're doing is becoming a pawn in the world of marketing. Self-care is such an empty term in my opinion. It's like people need to be patted on the back for running from one child's activity to the next or prepping food for the week or crockpotting or working 60 hour weeks. Adults have been doing these things since the dawn of time, and mind you successfully, without needing a pat or a label or a nod from the adult sitting next to you or a wink and cheers for grabbing that juice cleanse deeming it as self-care. Again, not a well rounded thought, but a concept that seems to be draining and trite in a time when I think people are really needing more than a label. After Googling around to make sure I wasn't the only one in the looney bin I came across an article in USA Today from Jan 2019 titled: Has self-care lost its way? It describes my point perfectly... "Powered by collective stress, bolstered by social media, and commodified by brands eager to exploit people's desire for self-improvement, self-care has evolved from an individual act to a mainstream movement - and market - where the lines between true wellness, social media performance and self-criticism blur." Do we agree? Of course! Ever come across a post from a friend about their "self-care" activity and think well, damn! I need that too! I should be doing that! Why aren't I doing that? Not in a comparison is the thief of all joys way, but more of a wow, they had time for that kinda why. Still with me? Anyway, I'm guessing my point is let's remove the label and let's get back to true wellness, true needs, true wants. Let's identify whether our "self-care" habits are really for the soul or have they become apart of a bigger labeling machine? Food for thought - a messy, not well round thought, but a thought!