Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Well, it's official and surreal - I have a new name! After 1.5 hours at the social security office, my number was called and it took 2 minutes to make the official change. Nothing ceremonious about it. It felt like a "no soup for you" kinda transaction (Seinfeld... get it...?). I'm sure it will continue to feel even crazier once I start seeing it in print! I'm mostly excited about potentially getting a new driver's license picture - new name, new picture right?!

This past weekend Mr. B spent some time getting used to his new toy - The Big Green Egg. I know I've mentioned before that he loves to grill, and making eastern NC style BBQ is his favorite! He goes all the way making his own secret rub and sauce. If you try realllly hard he may just give up his recipes, but we'll see. His BBQ never disappoints, and on a perfect fall day the smell is quite intoxicating.

It's always easier to cook more BBQ than we need, and I'm usually stuck trying to morph it into something else wonderful. Over the years, we have most definitely succeeded at doing this. We always make it a competition at who can come up with the best moprh. Last night's was basically southern comfort food. I call this my cornbread, BBQ, extra sauce hash-y type thing. It's a very official name. And it's A-mazing!

We also love putting his leftover BBQ into a taco with a quick crunchy slaw and avocado. A household favorite! This would probably be awesome with an egg on it too. Later this week we're getting crazy and putting BBQ on pizza (probably with an egg, duh!). 

We're approaching the world's biggest morph meal holiday. Do you have any great go-to morph meals? 

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