Monday, October 9, 2017

Whole 30 Week 1 Recap

Ok, let's dive into Week 1 of our Whole 30 journey. First and foremost, a recap of what Whole 30 is exactly. It's an elimination diet, not a weight loss diet. It has been designed to bring your body back to ground zero by eliminating the following: sugar, grains, legumes, diary, carrageenan/MSG/sulfites and alcohol. It seems overwhelming when you begin listing out everything you can't eat, so what can you eat - real food! Meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruit, natural fats, herbs and spices. If you're interested in learning more visit the Whole 30 site or read the book that started it all - It Starts with Food which talks about the science behind why we're eliminating the aforementioned foods.

So, let's get into it! I've tried to link up compliant brands and recipes where applicable.

Day 1 - official start date Oct 2nd
[Feelings] Felt good! Mostly not hungry.
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and 1 piece bacon, coffee with almond milk. I did make these egg frittatas for Mr. B for his breakfast this week. He loved them!
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Grilled chicken, sprouts, bacon, mustard wrapped in lettuce
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with meatballs and a diced tomato sauce 

Day 2
[Feelings] Doing great! Surprised at how I haven't had a true "hunger pang" yet.
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, avocado, bacon, coffee with almond milk
Lunch: 3 leftover meatballs, sauteed spinach, grilled chicken, avocado, sprouts
Snack: 1/2 banana and iced unsweetened tea
Dinner: Aidells Chicken & apple sausage, roasted sweet potatoes, fennel and apple - yum!

Day 3
[Feelings] Having control over this "food thing" for 3 days gives me power! Impulse control in full effect. Can we make it 30 days?? I hope so!
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, avocado, bacon, coffee with almond milk
Lunch: Leftover sheet pan dinner
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Bone in pork chops, roasted broccoli and riced cauliflower

Day 4
[Feelings] Digestively speaking not good. Very tired!
Breakfast: Hard boiled eggs, bacon, avocado, sprouts
Lunch: Leftover sheet pan dinner again
Snack: 1/2 banana
Dinner: Grilled burger, caramelized onions, avocado, 1/2 baked potato with ghee and roasted brussel sprouts

Day 5
[Feelings] So many reasons to fail today! Ran out of eggs and most of our refrigerator is empty. Stomach still not 100%. Really working on how I will feel after 30 days and what changes I'd like to carry into life after Whole 30 like Food Freedom.
Breakfast: Starbucks Venti Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea, avocado and 1 link chicken and apple sausage
Lunch: Leftover roasted broccoli and grilled chicken
Snack: Apple with Justin's almond butter
Dinner: Zuppa Toscana soup
Treat: Sweet potato apple bake

Day 6
[Feelings] Feeling great and well rested!
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs in ghee, 2 pieces bacon, coffee with almond milk and cinnamon (cinnamon - total game changer!)
Lunch: Leftover soup
Snack: Sweet potato apple bake
Dinner: Grilled steak and green beans

Day 7
[Feelings] Spent the day traveling and attending a birthday party, so many times to fail! Feeling energized and excited about our commitment.
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and homemade sausage
Lunch: Apple slices and almond butter + Larabar
Dinner: Leftover soup

Final Thoughts!
-We need to prepare better for snacks and lunches especially for Mr. B who is not always near a microwave or refrigerator.
-No white potatoes next week! They are a gateway drug and should be on the limit list anyway.
-Try to vary veggies and fruit next week!
-Egg frittatas were a total win! Doing them again next week.
-The time it takes to grocery shop has doubled because of how long it takes to check every product ingredient list. You'd be surprised at the foods you think are healthy or basic and are filled with tons of extra things!
-I'll leave you with this image below showing the physical stages of Whole 30 - pretty true so far!

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