Tuesday, June 18, 2019

This Way to the Beach

We're back from an amazing week at Holden Beach. So many great memories made. So many sandy snacks. So many self made pools. We played well. We ate well. We biked. Hammocked. Relaxed. It was truly one of the best vacations we've had in a while! There isn't one specific reason, but it just felt great. Ya know when you come back from time away and sometimes you feel like that was fun, but not greeeaaaat? This was truly great and we can't wait to do it again next summer! Holden Beach just feels special. It's not commercial or built up, so you can really sink into the sand for an entire week without feeling like you're missing out on activities. I set out last Saturday with the intention to renew, reconnect and rejuvenate and all was accomplished!

Also, the best end to our beach week was celebrating Father's Day on Sunday. If we're being truthful I don't think I've physically been with my father on Father's Day in many, many moons (15? 20 years? We can't even remember) and it was really special.

My heart is so full! Now back to grocery lists and email :)

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